NPR Interview and Article: Beef and the Colorado River Crisis
Writing by the Seat of My Pants
Jürgen Klopp Was My Boyfriend
Grand Canyon: Rim-to-Rim in a Day
Los Angeles Times Article: One Less Burger per Week Could Help Rescue the Colorado River
The Meaning of Easter
Publishing and Permanence
Baby Jesus Goes to War: A Christmas Reflection
Advent Waiting
Autism, Individualism, and My "Empty Nest"
Was the Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Justified?
Eulogy for a Dog
What's Your Rest Ethic?
Wendell Berry's Jayber Crow on How to Find Your Calling
Slavery in the New Testament, Part 3: Glimmers of Justice
Author Interview in North Carolina
Slavery in the New Testament, Part 2: Seeds of Abolition
Were My Ancestors Pro-slavery Preachers?
Backstory to Philemon: The Fugitive Slave Theory
Manuscript Complete! How I Wrote an Historical Novel